OA834: Elon Musk Will Save Free Speech By Suing Every Media Outlet on Earth

Andrew and an ailing Liz break down Elon Musk’s latest threat to try and sue a media outlet critical of Twitter into silence – this time, Media Matters for America – through the lens of his last lawsuit, against the tiny charity the Center for Countering Digital Hate, which produced an investigative report showing that …

OA756: Twitter’s Lawyers Dunk on Musk in Trump LOLsuit

Liz and Andrew break down the latest filing by Twitter proving that the Twitter Files don’t say anything like what Elon Musk said they did. So, to summarize: Twitter still isn’t in cahoots with the Deep State to censor conservatives.

Then, it’s time for some great news out of Florida as a federal judge blocks Florida’s obscene law prohibiting the prescription of puberty blockers for three trans kids.

OA645: We Badly Underestimated Just How Terrible Elon Musk Is At Business

Hooooo boy. Ok, Elon Musk officially owns Twitter. Does that mean a big “Andrew was wrong?” Well…. kinda but it’s complicated. We really just did not fathom how irrational Elon is. His wealth has taken a perhaps unprecedented hit as a result of this terrible deal. Listen for the details!Then, Liz Dye joins us for …

OA610: Elon’s Twitter Deal Was a Complete Blunder. It’s Not Happening.

As Andrew flagged for us before any other sources (that I saw), Elon Musk’s deal to buy Twitter was never a guarantee. Well, now it’s moved from not a guarantee to very unlikely. Today, we look at what happened. Also, there are two interesting possibilities being debated online. For one, that he’ll be able to …

OA637: Trump’s Appeal Is On Clarence Thomas’s Desk, But That’s Ok

I mean it isn’t really ok that Clarence Thomas is on the Supreme Court, and he definitely should recuse himself from any of this (he won’t), HOWEVER, there is no need to freak out about this particular thing. Andrew has the breakdown. Plus, Ken Paxton avoided a deposition… until he didn’t. Because he’s an idiot. …

Transcript of OA479: No, Judges Should NOT Be Originalists, Part 2

Listen to the episode and read the show notes Topics of Discussion: Breakin’ Down the Law – Originalism Part 2 T3BE Answer [Show Intro] Thomas:         Hello and welcome to Opening Arguments, this is episode 479.  I’m Thomas, that’s Andrew.  How’re you doing? Andrew:         I am fantastic, but also literally angry with rage.  [Laughs]   Thomas:         …