OA769: Rudy Leaks, Trump Freaks, and … Jack Smith Just Keeps Showing Up and Building His Case

Liz and Andrew catch you up on all the news breaking surrounding the Trump indictments, including potential new charges, new cooperating witnesses, and much, much more.

Trump docket


Kastigar v. United States, 406 U.S. 441

NARA statement

Giuliani Jan 6 depo

Independent article re superseding indictments

Exclusive: CNN obtains the tape of Trump’s 2021 conversation about classified documents

Trump weighs in on recording of him showing off ‘secret’ government info: ‘It’s bravado’ https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-weighs-recording-showing-off-secret-government-info/story?id=100420427 

Inner City Press reporting on Motion to Remand

Top Trump campaign aide identified as key individual in classified docs indictment

Trump 2024 aide who allegedly saw classified map works for China lobbying firm https://nypost.com/2023/06/29/trump-aide-who-allegedly-saw-classified-map-works-for-lobbying-firm-that-serves-china/ 

Exclusive: Rudy Giuliani interviewed in special counsel’s 2020 election interference probe https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/27/politics/rudy-giuliani-special-counsel-meeting/index.html 

Giuliani Sat for Voluntary Interview in Jan. 6 Investigation https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/28/us/politics/giuliani-jan-6-investigation.html 

Investigation of Trump Documents Case Continues After Former President’s Indictment https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/29/us/politics/trump-documents-indictment-subpoenas.html 

The Attention Was All on Mar-a-Lago. Some of the Action Was at Bedminster. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/27/us/politics/trump-investigation-bedminster.html 

Bloomberg FOIA 

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OA768: Moore v. Harper and the Permanent Republican Minority

Today, Andrew and Liz take a deep dive into the Supreme Court’s recent decision in Moore v. Harper rejecting the independent state legislature theory & why we still need to be on guard against John Roberts and the Supreme Court.

Moore v. Harper

OA 618

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OA767: Porn – Won’t Someone PLEASE Think of the Children?? (feat. Ari Cohn)

Today, Liz and Andrew welcome back First Amendment expert Ari Cohn to break down Texas HB 1181, an anti-porn bill that will require websites to verify your age and also append a bunch of lies in the form of made-up “disclaimers” about the supposed harms of pornography.

We also break down the latest in the Trump documents case and make fun of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott for more than just the porn thing.  You won’t want to miss it!

Texas HB 1181

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OA766: ChatGPT Lawyers Skate As Judge Cannon Prepares to Ratf*ck Trump Prosecution

Liz and Andrew break down the sanctions order entered in the Mata v. Avianca ChatGPT case, and we finally understand why things unfolded the way they did.

The duo also discuss the recent scheduling orders in the Trump documents case in the Southern District of Florida, where Judge Aileen Cannon, FSW, lurks in the wings.

In the Patreon bonus, Liz and Andrew update the sanctions just ordered against Rudy Giuliani in the Freeman/Moss defamation.

OA 618

OA 740

OA 751

OA 763

As Legal Fees Mount, Trump Steers Donations Into PAC That Has Covered Them https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/25/us/politics/trump-donations-legal-fees.html 

Mata v. Avianca docket

Schwartz Exhibit A to Declaration (showing ChatGPT history)

Giuliani Docket & minute orders

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OA765: Kathy Griffin SLAPPs Back At Being Sued in Faraway Places (feat. Ari Cohn)

Liz and Andrew welcome First Amendment lawyer Ari Cohn to help break down an important lawsuit involving Kathy Griffin, personal jurisdiction, and frivolous SLAPP lawsuits.

Johnson v. Griffin Docket

Johnson v. Griffin Complaint

Trial Court Opinion

TechFreedom writeup

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OA 764:  ProPublica Reveals Sam Alito Is Exactly As Corrupt As You Thought He Was

Liz and Andrew break down the bombshell ProPublica article about Samuel Alito’s corruption, and along the way remind you of the right wing’s complicity in the false narrative that abortion violence is a “both sides” issue. It isn’t.

OA 749

OA 739

ProPublica, “Justice Samuel Alito Took Luxury Fishing Vacation With GOP Billionaire Who Later Had Cases Before the Court,”

ProPublica on Thomas/Crow 

DOJ, Recent Cases on Violence Against Reproductive Health Care Providers

DOJ, Anti-Abortion Violence Movement Increases (1996)

Ruth Sent Us

Jane’s Revenge Superseding Indictment

5 U.S.C. § 13104

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OA763: Did Merrick Garland Treat Donald Trump With Kid Gloves? Does It Matter?

Liz and Andrew lead off with the blockbuster Washington Post story that the FBI and DOJ had to be browbeaten into investigating Donald Trump. After that, the duo tackle a bunch of stories surrounding the Trump indictments, including developments in both the Florida and New York cases, Rudy Giuliani being a jerk, and much, much more.

In the Patreon bonus, Andrew and Liz duo answer one of your burning questions: how exactly is the Trump documents case going to go to trial if only a handful of people can see the documents he’s charged with having willfully retained? The answer is the Classified Information Procedures Act, and we start to break it down for you!

FBI resisted opening probe into Trump’s role in Jan. 6 for more than a year

Freeman/Moss Motion to Compel

Giuliani May 30 Motion for Reconsideration

Freeman/Moss Opposition

Trump Indictment

CIPA, 18 U.S.C. Section 96-456

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-And finally, remember that you can email us at openarguments@gmail.com

OA762: Trump’s Lawyers So Confident of Their Case They All Quit At Once

Liz and Andrew first discuss developments in the other Trump indictment — remember that one in New York? After that, they break down the breakdown in Trump’s legal team.

Happy Father’s Day!

NY Penal Law 175.10

GA Code 21-2-562

Bragg Motion to Remand

Trump Lawyers Consider Revenge for Former Colleague https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-lawyers-consider-revenge-for-former-colleague 

Seth Barrett Tillman, ‘Tillman on Plagiarism in the Trump Litigation Briefs,’ New Reform Club (June 16, 2023, 13:55 PM)

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OA761: Judge Cannon Prepares to Do Trump a Solid, As Republicans Aim to Kneecap Biden

It’s a grab bag of stories, mostly Trump-adjacent. After some great news on judges, Liz explains that the House GOP is so desperate to smear President Biden they’ve made like Rudy Giuliani and leaked. Stick around for the end, when the duo breaks down exactly what can (and can’t!) be done about Judge Aileen Cannon, FSW.

In the Patreon bonus, Liz and Andrew discuss a recent Judge Cannon order in some detail.

Dep’t of Commerce v. New York, 139 S.Ct. 2551 (2019)

Ho Letter

 Trump search warrant docket

Trump Mar-a-Lago search warrant

Sample Warrant

Comer Subpoena Wray

28 U.S.C. § 455 – Recusal Statute

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OA760: Trump’s Arraignment – Judge Aileen Cannon Returns to the Scene of the Crime (feat. Mitchell Epner)

Liz and Andrew welcome back Mitchell Epner to the show to break down today’s indictment of Donald Trump & Walt Nauta… and also figure out just how much mischief Judge Aileen Cannon can cause.

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