Transcript of OA416: The Kenosha Terrorist

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[Show Intro]

Thomas:         Hello and welcome to Opening Arguments, this is episode 416.  I’m Thomas, that’s Andrew.  How’re you doing?

Andrew:         I’m fantastic, Thomas, how are you?

Thomas:         Uh, let me see, let me check the air quality map.  It looks like we finally have oxygen here.  [Deep breaths]  Ah!  Okay!  I was holding my breath for that whole two weeks but I can finally breath because we have oxygen, I checked the map.

Andrew:         Oxygen I have always thought was overrated but, you know, if you’re a triggered little snowflake that needs oxygen that’s fine.

Thomas:         [Laughs] Yeah, I mean I’m sure this is just the wildfires are taking a break.  They’re just like “eh, getting a little tired!”

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OA416: The Kenosha Terrorist

17 year old murderer Kyle Rittenhouse was treated as a friend by the police even after he killed two people. Jacob Blake was shot in the back 7 times despite being unarmed. The difference? You already know it. Andrew gives us the breakdown of what happened, and what possible legal defenses we might see from Rittenhouse and the horrible right wingers who are already embracing him.

In the first segment, we get a positive update on the USPS from a listener. And in the final segment, we get more positive news, this time from the Gavin Grimm case we’ve previously covered.


USPS – 18 U.S. Code § 1703 delay or destruction of mail; House bill to repeal pre-funding mandate; expedited to street/afternoon sortation; New York v Trump; Trump’s win rate is terrible.

Kenosha – Cop Identified; Wis DOJ update; Kenosha Guard calls for Armed Vigilantes; NYT Kyle Rittenhouse Timeline; Kenosha Cops Silent on Support for Militia Ahead of Kyle Rittenhouse Shooting; Cops “appreciate” militia; Kenosha Police Chiefs blames victims; arrest warrant; Wisconsin Statute: 940.01; Wisconsin Statute 939.50; Federal Charges.

Grimm – OA51: The Grimm Reality About Transgender Bathrooms; OA306: From Gavin Grimm to Jeffrey Epstein; 17-1618 Bostock v. Clayton County; OA397: Explaining Bostock v. Clayton County; 4th Circuit Ruling on Grimm.

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Transcript of OA415: DeJoy’s Illegal Dismantling of the USPS

Listen to the episode and read the show notes

Topics of Discussion:

[Show Intro]

Thomas:         Hello and welcome to Opening Arguments, this is episode 415.  I’m Thomas, that’s Andrew.  How’re you doing?

Andrew:         I am fantastic, Thomas!  Nothing broke in between recording the last show and this one, right?

Thomas:         Are you sure?  [Laughs]

Andrew:         I am not sure.

Thomas:         I’m not sure either, but we’ll assume it didn’t.

Andrew:         Yeah, we’ll assume American democracy is healthy.

Thomas:         I also think if anyone wants to go check on my body, I’m probably a nice perfect jerky.  I’m probably perfectly ready.

Andrew:         Oh man, smoked meats are so good.

Thomas:         I’m just guessing based on the smoke, I’m good to go.

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OA415: DeJoy’s Illegal Dismantling of the USPS

We’re finally getting the deep-dive we’ve always wanted on the *drum roll* Unites States Postal Service! Questions answered by our esteemed Andrew include: Who is DeJoy? How is he even there? Why is the Post Service losing so much money? What’s with the sorting machines and boxes disappearing? All those answers and more!

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OA414: Steve Bannon Arrested!

So much to discuss on today’s show! Bannon busted on billionaire’s boat by the boys in blue! Leaders Of ‘We Build The Wall’ Online Fundraising Campaign Charged With Defrauding Hundreds Of Thousands Of Donors.

Also, Andrew gives us some highlights from the Senate Intelligence Committee Report. Despite being controlled by Republicans, this report was VERY damning.

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OA413: Birthers are Back and Roberts’ Stealth Attack on Abortion Rights

This is not a happy episode, really, unless you enjoy Andrew completely demolishing racist birtherism crap published in Newsweek about Kamala Harris. The author is the same racist asshole who, curiously enough, wrote this: Ted Cruz’s Citizenship Makes Him Eligible to be President. Ted Cruz wasn’t born in this country, but Kamala Harris was. I wonder what the difference is? Here to help debunk this racist crap is the 14th Amendment. Also Garrett Epps, The Citizenship Clause: A “Legislative History”; U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898); Hamdi v. Rumsfeld, 542 U.S. 507 (2004).

The first segment is some things Andrew was wrong about.. and the main segment is a depressing deep dive on how John Roberts has successfully undermined reproductive rights with almost no one noticing. Dahlia Lithwick noticed though and wrote John Roberts’ stealth attack on abortion rights in June Medical v. Russo just paid off. Andrew dives deeper into this and explains what happened in June Medical Services LLC v. Russo and how the 8th Circuit has capitalized on this.

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OA412: Examining Kamala Harris’s Record

Joe has made his pick and it’s (predictably) Senator Kamala Harris! Andrew is bringing us an extensive, balanced deep-dive into Harris’s record in the Senate, as California AG, and as a prosecutor for San Francisco. Rather than try to condense Andrew’s extensive notes for this one, I’m linking them. Find his sources here.

Before the main segment we read a listener comment about the census, and later in the episode we bid a fond farewell to Ed Brayton, a friend of the show who passed away this week. Rest in Peace.

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OA411: Trump Guilty of Bribery? with Randall Eliason

Returning to the show is Randall D. Eliason, a law professor, writer and commentator on corporate and white collar criminal law! We discuss the Flynn case in more depth, as well as a bribery angle on the Roger Stone commutation. Check out Prof. Eliason’s Sidebars Blog.

Before that, Andrew has on voting by mail. Nevada has passed a bill AB4 that Trump in challenging in a truly ridiculous way. Find out why!

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OA410: NY AG Files to Dissolve the NRA!

In a HUGE breaking news story, the New York Attorney General has sought to dissolve the NRA over rampant corruption! The complaint is nearly a couple hundred pages, but our esteemed Andrew has already read it and has the breakdown for us in a truly rapid response Friday! Questions he answers include: what are the alleged facts? Can NY actually do this? Could LaPierre simply re-form the NRA somewhere else? And more!

In the pre-segment, Andrew strongly advocates that you fill out your census! Check out this Statement By Former US Census Bureau Directors.

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OA409: Jed Shugerman on Trump’s “Unfaithful Execution” of the Oath

Jed Shugerman is a Professor of Law at Fordham University. He and his colleague Ethan Leib filed a motion before Judge Amy Berman Jackson regarding Roger Stone’s commutation. They argue “that the Constitution limits the pardon power to uses that are in the public interest, not primarily for self-interest, self-dealing, or self-protection.” For more information and for links to Jed’s law review articles related to these arguments, check out his blog post.

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