OA630: Court Says Employers Can Deny Even More Healthcare Because… Religion

Reason number a billion why we need to prevent right wing Christian Nationalists from ever having any power at all in this country – Braidwood Management, Inc. v. Becerra. Under Republican rule, if I have a ‘sincerely held belief’ that bats are birds, no one is allowed to question that or tell me I’m wrong, and I can refuse to pay for any healthcare I want if I can link it to my stupid belief. Listen as Andrew breaks down this horrible f*cking decision.
Also, we some more updates on the DoJ’s appeal to the 11th circuit.

Links: Appeal to 11th Cir docketed, DOJ motion for stay pending appeal, Judge Cannon ordered Trump response, Trump Cannon media brief, Special master joint brief, 42 U.S. Code § 300gg – Fair health insurance premiums

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OA629: Hack Judge Hands Trump a Win. What Comes Next?

The napkin with crayon scribbling on it that Trump’s lawyers submitted was somehow… granted? by Judge Cannon, whom we now know to be a complete MAGA hack. This ruling was such an embarrassment to the rule of law that even Republican judges will recognize it. So what comes next? What will an appeal look like? Also Andrew covers the brilliant strategy undertaken by DoJ lawyers that will give them an advantage in this next step. Before that, more on the Alaska ranked choice election, and can states charge income tax on student loan forgiveness?
Links: Kel McClanahan article, 28 U.S. Code § 1292 – Interlocutory decisions, Hoosiers will be taxed hundreds of dollars on student loan forgiveness, AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT OF 2021, 26 U.S. Code § 108 – Income from discharge of indebtedness, 42 U.S. Code § 300gg – Fair health insurance premiums

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OA628: Sarah Palin LOSES! A Win for Ranked Choice?

It’s a situation as confusing as it is incredible – Sarah Palin, who won an open primary for the AK House Seat, has LOST. The Democrat, Mary Peltola, despite coming in LAST in the primary, has WON! How did this happen? Ranked choice voting! But is that good? Does this make sense? Imagine if this were the Democratic equivalent, would we be happy? Or would it not happen?
Then, Better Call Saul is being sued by a tax company that is virtually identical to the dirtbag one portrayed in the show. Is the lawsuit credible?

Links: Alaska’s Better Elections Initiative, Al Gross for Congress, JTH Tax, LLC d/b/a Liberty Tax Service v. AMC Networks

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Sneak Peak! AMERICAN SCANDAL: Snowden

The terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001, took a large toll on America’s sense of security. In the dawn of this new era, Congress moved to take swift action by creating the Patriot Act. The stated goal was to identify and strike back against terrorists, but in practice, the law had much wider-reaching effects. But everything changed in 2013 when an intelligence contractor named Edward Snowden decided to expose the truth, leaking more classified documents than any whistleblower in American history.

This four-part series from American Scandal follows Edward Snowden’s transformation, from a respected intelligence officer, to the most wanted whistleblower in the world.   

This is just a preview of Edward Snowden from American Scandal, but you can listen to the rest of this episode at wondery.fm/AS_OpeningArguments

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OA627: How To Convict Donald Trump

The more we learn, the worse it gets for Trump. It’s almost like he’s a pathological narcissist without any regard for laws. Today Andrew breaks down two ways to convict Trump, using two different provisions of the law.
Links: motion opposing special master, DOJ exhibits, United States v. Gonzalez, 18 U.S. Code § 793 – Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information, Proving Intent at Mar-a-Lago, The Trump Warrant Had No Legal Basis – WSJ, 44 U.S. Code § 2201, 44 U.S. Code § 2202 – Ownership of Presidential records, 44 U.S. Code § 2203 – Management and custody of Presidential records, 44 U.S. Code § 2205 – Exceptions to restricted access, 44 U.S. Code § 2204 – Restrictions on access to Presidential records

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OA626: F(boi)POTUS Is So Porked

For real, things are not going well for Trump. We get that he’s Teflon Don, but even those teflon pans get messed up if you scratch them with a knife or if they steal a bunch of top secret documents. Listen and enjoy as Andrew details the many ways Trump is having a very bad law thingy.

Links: Response to Media Queries About Presidential Records, Redacted warrant affidavit, Trump’s terrible motion, Cover sheet, rule 41g, Judge Slapdown, trump response, “Anomalous” Federal Jurisdiction, Rule 65. Injunctions and Restraining Orders, letter from archives, Navarro reply brief

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OA625: Student Loan Forgiveness!

Biden not only kept his campaign promise, but expanded on it! Andrew breaks down the history of the student loan debt problem and what Biden’s plan is. It’s good news!

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-For show-related questions, check out the Opening Arguments Wiki, which now has its own Twitter feed!  @oawiki

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OA624: Good News Show! Williams v. Kincaid Sets a Good Precedent for Trans Rights

Perhaps we can have good things? Andrew breaks down Williams v. Kincaid, a 4th Circuit case that actually sets a positive precedent for trans rights! After that, we interview Jalessah Jackson, Executive Director of ARC Southeast – one of the abortion funds that OA listeners raised an incredible amount of money for!
Links: 42 U.S. Code Chapter 126 ADA, 42 U.S. Code § 12211 – Definitions exception

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OA623: This Week in High Treason

There’s still SO much to talk about in the Mar-a-Lago Treason Trove! Lots of updates on that, plus the Weiselberg plea, Trump passports, and more! We also squeeze in a wildcard on Alex Jones’s loser lawyers.

Links: The Atlantic article that is wrong, 42 U.S. Code § 2274 – Communication of Restricted Data, Jonathan Toebbe case, 10 CFR Part 1045 — Nuclear Classification and Declassification, Classification of Nuclear Weapons-Related Information, Dep’t of the Navy v. Egan, Trump’s passports returned, Norm Pattis Sanctions order, Reynal order, Pattis “moved to dismiss”, Alex-Jones-Kyng-S.-Lee-Affidavit

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-And finally, remember that you can email us at openarguments@gmail.com

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OA622: Will Alex Jones’ Damages Be Capped by Texas Law?

The unfortunate answer is… yes. BUT. There may be a one weird trick that actually could sidestep this! Listen in for the breakdown and why there is a sliver of hope on this really terrible nonsense. After that, we talk about our Matthew Hoh interview and the response we have gotten.
Links: Texas bill, More TX statutes, Texas Constitution, Hanna v. Sweeney, 78 Conn. 492,  NCSBE certified GP as a political party, new Demw lawsuit

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-For show-related questions, check out the Opening Arguments Wiki, which now has its own Twitter feed!  @oawiki

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