OA458: Biden’s Amazing First Day

In case you missed it, we have a president now! Andrew gives us the full deep dive on his first day in office and all the harm reduction the administration has already achieved!

Links: All the Biden Executive Orders, Trump’s stupid Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs and Enforcing the Regulatory Reform Agenda and Evaluating and Improving the Utility of Federal Advisory Committees, Board of Scientific Counselors – ATSDR, Trump Promoting the Rule of Law order, Executive Order 13,891 Sub-Regulatory Guidance Document Portal Tops 70,000 Entries, 18 U.S. Code § 207, FACT SHEET: President-elect Biden’s Day One Executive Actions

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OA457: Lin Wood Smacked Down by Judge; Interview with Jamil Favors!

More consequences! This time it’s for Lin Wood, absolute clownhorn and terrible attorney responsible for some of the worst election suits. A judge in Delaware issued him quite the smackdown, by lawyer standards. Then we talk with Jamil Favors, who you will remember from our Georgia Election Fundraiser! Jamil was the Deputy Voter Protection Director for the DSCC. We talk about how election night went for him and also what the future holds. Which state might be the next Georgia?

Links: Page sues Oath, Inc, Wannabe Biglaw Firm Closes Its Doors, Dallas-Based Attorney To Represent Kenosha Shooter, Lin Wood Argues Kenosha Shooting Was Justified By … Second Amendment?, Delaware Judge sua sponte order, Judge glorious smackdown

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OA456: Insurrections Have Consequences

Due to recent political victories and incredible hard work, consequences DO exist! First, Andrew breaks down that viral tweet which really misrepresented what the results of an impeachment conviction would be. While there will be consequences if Trump is convicted, the viral tweet doesn’t capture it correctly. But that’s not all! Many people have been talking about using the 14th amendment to expel traitorous Republicans, but Andrew is here to… CONFIRM THAT WE CAN! It’s great news, and the case history is super fascinating.

Links: The resolution, 25th amendment resolution, former presidents act, 3 US Code § 102, 14th Amendment history, FORGOTTEN CONSTITUTIONAL LAW OF TREASON, Morton Stavis, Berger v. U.S., 255 U.S. 22 (1921), Powell v. McCormack, 395 U.S. 486 (1969), Voting and Vice: Criminal Disenfranchisement and the Reconstruction Amendments, The Forgotten Constitutional Law of Treason, Standard Form 86, @NatlSecCnslrs

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OA455: Trump is Going to Prison in Georgia

Just when you think shows can’t get any more positive, we’ve got another happy one for ya! It’s perfect phone call #2 (that we know about) and Andrew thinks there is a rock solid case for Trump for prison!
Before that we discuss Marcus’s motion to withdraw. He wrote a conspiracy BS article in the Federalist that we can’t even link on Twitter because it gets blocked.

Links: Trumps full phone call, Turley: It’s legally absurd to claim Trump committed crime in call with Georgia election officials, Georgia Code 21-2-604, 21-2-562, § 45-11-1

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OA454: GEORGIA!!! (oh and a fascist coup)

We are SO happy about the election results in Georgia that not even that fascist scum who invaded our nation’s capitol can keep us down! Today Andrew gives us a refresher on the 25th Amendment, we also discuss the timing of the Senate seats and when they take effect. On the treason side of things, the Gohmert lawsuit was dismissed.

Then we gush about the Georgia news and share some tear-jerking stories of how our listeners came through in a huge way for Democracy!

Links: Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) publicly called for 25th, OLC memo 1985

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OA453: Treason’s Greetings

Nearly a dozen Republican Senators including Hawley and Cruz are still planning on trying to overthrow the results of the election. The exact same election results that, you know, elected many of them. Andrew gives us the quick breakdown of that and explains why it isn’t going to work. We also discuss comparisons to 2004 and 2016.
Our main segment is a classic OA Signature Deep-Dive ™ on litigation hold letters, inspired by the very aggressive one sent by Dominion to star Giuliani witness Melissa Carrone. As much as she may deserve scorn, Andrew argues that Dominion is perhaps crossing a line with this letter. Find out why!

Links: 3 US Code § 15 – Counting electoral votes in Congress, 2004 Electoral College Results, Democrats challenge Ohio electoral votes – Jan 6, 2005, Dominion lawyers sent this BRUTAL letter to Mellissa Carrone

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-For show-related questions, check out the Opening Arguments Wiki, which now has its own Twitter feed!  @oawiki

-And finally, remember that you can email us at openarguments@gmail.com

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OA452: Another “Expert” Witness Unmasked; Bernie’s Filibuster Explained

Tons of info in today’s New Year’s show! First we take a look at Trump’s horrendously corrupt pardons, focusing on his attempt to pardon Paul Manafort’s money back to him! Then we give you the breakdown on the latest Sidney Powell “expert” to be unmasked. Hope you’re sitting down… she’s NOT qualified in any way. Finally we talk about what’s going on with the COVID relief bill and the National Defense Authorization Act. Far left publications have been critical of Senate Democrats, but Andrew explains why this is completely bad faith.

Links: Legal Eagle The Political Depravity of Unjust Pardons, Manafort Pardon, Ex parte Garland 71 U.S. 333 (1866), Terpsichore Affidavit, WaPo Sidney Powell secret witness is Terpsichore Maras-Lindeman, her prior fraud, Veto Override Procedure in the House and Senate, Ohio Senator Brown Joins Sanders in Delaying Senate Holiday Over $2K Stimulus Checks

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-For show-related questions, check out the Opening Arguments Wiki, which now has its own Twitter feed!  @oawiki

-And finally, remember that you can email us at openarguments@gmail.com

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OA451: Section 230 and Tulsi’s Transphobia

Today’s show involves two bills that Tulsi has introduced… BUT NOT BOTHERED TO WRITE. For real. They are entirely for vice-signaling purposes and contain no substance. However, Andrew is here to give us a deep dive on what the implications and background are. One involves Section 230 (which Andrew has been dying to tell us about!) and the other is about trans-women and sports. It’s… no good. We contrast Tulsi’s garbage with an important trans-rights decision. So, it’s a good news ending!

Links: 47 U.S. Code § 230, Reps. Gabbard & Gosar Introduce ‘Break Up Big Tech’ Bill, Tulsi’s Bill H.R.8922 has no text, Reps. Gabbard and Mullin Introduce Bill to Ensure Title IX Protections for Women and Girls in Sports, H.R.8932 also has no text.

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-For show-related questions, check out the Opening Arguments Wiki, which now has its own Twitter feed!  @oawiki

-And finally, remember that you can email us at openarguments@gmail.com

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Bonus: Andrew and AG QnA!

Andrew and AG from Mueller She Wrote teamed up for a QnA to test a new platform and we thought it would be fun to share here! Note: because Thomas wasn’t involved, the audio quality is terrible. Yes this is Thomas typing this. But, it’s workable and who doesn’t love listening to Andrew and AG! They discuss Trump’s corrupt pardons, the NAACP suing Trump for violating the Ku Klux Klan Act, and more!

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