OA251: Gerrymandering in Maryland Heads Back to SCOTUS

Today’s episode returns to one of the most critical political issues of our time:  gerrymandering of congressional districts, and in particular, the state of MD-6, which pits the Democrats as villains and Republican voters as the plaintiffs alleging disenfranchisement.  Will that role reversal be enough to win approval from SCOTUS?  Listen and find out!

We begin, however, with an update on the June Medical Services v. Gee lawsuit we first discussed in Episode 249.

After that, it’s time for the deep dive into gerrymandering, which takes a look at the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland’s 3-judge panel decision invalidating Maryland’s 6th district; the motion to stay before the Supreme Court filed by the Plaintiffs; the opposition by the State of Maryland; and an amicus brief filed on behalf of the incumbent, Democrat David Trone.

Then, we quickly clear up the status of Stormy Daniels’ lawsuits.  Did the recent dismissal with prejudice have anything to do with Donald Trump?  (No.)

We end, as always, with a brand new Thomas Takes the Bar Exam Question #113 that’s coincidentally about the constitutionality of abortion restrictions.  As always, remember to follow our Twitter feed (@Openargs) and like our Facebook Page so that you too can play along with #TTTBE!


None!  If you’d like to have either of us as a guest on your show, drop us an email at openarguments@gmail.com.

Show Notes & Links

1. Episode OA: 249 “Overturning Roe v. Wade Starts Today” for reference to our past discussion on the abortion cases. 
2. Supreme Court’s docket in June Medical Services v. Gee
3. If you’re curious, this is what MD-6 looks like today, and this is what it looked like before the 2011 redistricting.
4. We last discussed gerrymandering in Episode OA: 185
5. We also did a deep dive into the Wisconsin case in Episode OA: 80
6. Here is the Maryland district court’s ruling court’s ruling
7. You can read the Plaintiffs’ brief
8. The state’s opposition, filed by Brian Frosh
9. And the Trone amicus brief filed by Andrew’s friends at Zuckerman

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