OA315: North Carolina & Brexit

Don’t forget Opening Arguments LIVE in Los Angeles, CA on October 12, 2019. Here is the link!!

In this week’s Deep Dive Tuesday, we take a look at two crazy stories — one from last week, and one from… 2016. Yes, it’s time for OA finally to tackle the mess that is Brexit now that we have various court rulings around the concept of “prorogation.” What the hell is that? Listen and find out! And, as a bonus, we’ll also talk about the craziest story out of North Carolina — and believe us, that title has a lot of contenders!

We begin, however, with a brief update on the settlement reached with Purdue Pharma in the Ohio MDL that we discussed in Episode 311. Hint: Andrew was definitely right about this one!

Then, it’s time for an absolutely bonkers story involving state legislators in North Carolina tricking Democrats into celebrating a 9/11 memorial… so that they could have a stealth session to override a gubernatorial veto. Did that really happen??!? (Yes.) How?!? And what happens next? Listen and find out!

After that, it’s time for the OA explainer on Brexit just in time for today’s UK Supreme Court oral argument. Find out what court said what and how that all interacts!

Then, it’s time for #T3BE. Can Thomas stop a show-worst six-question losing streak? With a real property question??!? Listen and find out!


None! If you’d like to have either of us as a guest on your show, drop us an email at openarguments@gmail.com.

Show Notes & Links

  1. We discussed a potential Purdue Pharma settlement in Episode 311; you can read media coverage of that reported settlement here.
  2. This is Section 22 of the North Carolina Constitution that allowed this crazy gamesmanship regarding the veto.
  3. Finally, click here to read the Scottish Court of Session decision regarding Brexit and proroguing.

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