OA2: The 2000 Election (#NeverForget), Part 1

On the last episode of Atheistically Speaking with Andrew Torrez (AS259), Andrew teased us with the promise that he’d be back to discuss what really happened back in the 2000 U.S. Presidential election (and promised that it might have something to do with our current Presidential election)!  Well, Andrew’s back, and in Part 1, he and I discuss the politics, and history of the giant mess that was the 2000 election.

Show Notes and Links

  1. Pres. Bill Clinton’s approval ratings, 1999-2000.
  2. Voting history for West Virginia, once a reliable Democratic stronghold.
  3. A study on exit polling, with emphasis on the 2000 election.

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OA1: “The Story Begins” – Introducing the Show & Segments

In this introductory pre-episode, Thomas and Andrew talk about their backgrounds and their vision for the show.  We also preview our upcoming show segments and topics, tell you how to get in touch with us, and talk a little bit about how the show got started.


  1.  Listener Questions:  We field a question from Eric Brewer about the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence
  2. “Closed Arguments”:  We look at no-brainer legal “questions” raised by the news media; today, we tackle a New Jersey settlement that allows you to have “8THEIST” as a license plate.
  3. “Are You A Cop?”:  We bust debunk legal myths that “everyone knows are true,” but aren’t, like the classic myth that an undercover cop has to answer truthfully if you ask her “Are You A Cop?”
  4. “Breakin’ (Down) the Law”:  We define a common (but commonly misunderstood) legal term or phrase.

Show Notes & Links

  1. Atheistically Speaking is available here, and Andrew’s first episode was AS225.
  2. Thomas and the Bible (“T and the B”) is available here.  Thomas’s recap of the Old Testament is available here.
  3. Thomas’s THIRD podcast, Comedy Shoeshine, is available here.
  4. Andrew’s legal practice is the Law Offices of P. Andrew Torrez, in Baltimore, MD and Washington DC; the business web page is here.
  5. Andrew’s legal blog is here.
  6. News story reporting that the New Jersey “8THEIST” vanity plate is no longer banned as “offensive.”

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And email us at openarguments@gmail.com