OA640: Remunerations Are Speechful, My Friend

Today we bring you another SCOTUS deep dive involving campaign finance. Money is speech, and people with a crapload of money just deserve to speak way more than us pleebs and that’s a great thing that has fantastic results in our political system and I for one welcome our monopoly man overlords.

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OA639: Alex Jones Owes a Literal Billion Dollars

Alex Jones owes Sandy Hook victims’ families… so much money. So, so much. But should we be worried that it will get appealed or reduced or some legal shenanigans will happen? Find out! Then, Andrew breaks down an interesting False Advertising case making waves. Should companies have to be honest about where their products are produced? Or is it ok to engage in a little puffery?
Links: Alex Jones Case: How the Jury Divided Nearly $1 Billion in Damages, Peacock v Pabst

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OA638: Citizens United, Part 2

Make sure you listened to part 1, episode 636 before you proceed! It’s part 2 of the long-awaited Citizens United deep-dive. In this one, we finally get to… Citizens United…

Links: McConnell v. FEC, 540 U.S. 93 (2003), Citizens United, SCOTUS decision

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OA637: Trump’s Appeal Is On Clarence Thomas’s Desk, But That’s Ok

I mean it isn’t really ok that Clarence Thomas is on the Supreme Court, and he definitely should recuse himself from any of this (he won’t), HOWEVER, there is no need to freak out about this particular thing. Andrew has the breakdown. Plus, Ken Paxton avoided a deposition… until he didn’t. Because he’s an idiot. And finally, is Elon Musk going to buy Twitter? And therefore was Andrew wrong? Well…. no.
Links: Fund Texas Choice v. Paxton, DOJ motion 11th circuit, Trump opposition, Trump asks SC for stay, why Justice Thomas has the decision, Elon Musk letter, Trump v CNN, The Onion’s Amicus Brief

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OA636: Finally, a Deep-Dive on Citizens United!

Look it seems impossible, but someone Andrew insists that we’ve never done a deep-dive on Citizens United! It’s obviously one of the worst decisions in Supreme Court history, but do you know the details of just HOW terrible it was? Listener Thomas S. certainly didn’t. So listen in and be dumbfounded at how tf we got here.
Links: Wealth Inequality in the U.S. by Household Type, Has Wealth Inequality in America Changed over Time, Trends in U.S. income and wealth inequality, Unequal gains: American growth and inequality since 1700, founding fathers wealth inequality, United States v. Int’l Union United Automobile, Aircraft & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW-CIO), 352 U.S. 567 (1957)

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OA635: Trump Gets His Special Master, Immediately Regrets It

You can’t quite call it f around and find out, since Judge Cannon has bent over backwards and around and through the 4th dimension and back in time for Trump. But Trump got his hand picked Special Master and quickly found out… he’s just a Reagan Republican. Not a Qanon shaman. Trump has been caught it 11 different traps. OR WOULD HAVE BEEN except for the absolutely Cannon ball that dropped right after we recorded.

Links: Lunn v. Commonwealth (2017), Arizona v. U.S., 567 U.S. 387 (2012), 18 U.S. Code Chapter 77 – PEONAGE, SLAVERY, AND TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS, “A-M-P” Model, Justice Manual, the appointment order, order following partial stay, case management order, motion to stay, revised filing, Trump opposition to Dearie’s CMO, Rule 53. Masters, 18 U.S. Code § 793 – Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information, DOJ;s reply, Trump opposition to extension of time

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OA634: Wizards of the Coast vs. Transphobic Racists

Some transphobic and racist a$$holes stole a DnD-like game from Wizards of the Coast and tried to use it for their own racist transphobic purposes with a really stupid “one weird trick.” They got busted and dueling lawsuits followed. Andrew has the breakdown!

Links: complaint against wizards, answer and counterclaim, TSR Online Store, Wizards of the Coast files lawsuit against TSR LLC, Schuh affidavit, Rainwater affidavit

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OA633: Why Adnan Was Released

No doubt you’ve heard the huge news – Adnan Syed has been released. So what happened? Is there really new evidence? New suspects? Does this mean he didn’t actually kill Hae? Find out!
Then, big news in the Nara-Lago case! We recorded a breakdown before the 11th Circuit granted DoJ’s appeal, and then Andrew was able to record a follow up after! So, tons of stuff in today’s show!
Links: Other Postconviction Review, OA107: Adnan Syed Obviously Did It, State v. Syed 2019, Motion to vacate, DOJ Trump reply

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OA632: Alex Jones’s Lawyers Still Don’t Know WTF They’re Doing

Despicable a**hole Alex Jones is getting properly destroyed in court once again. You might be thinking, what is it Groundhog Day? But no, this is not the Texas trial in which he got suitably destroyed. This is yet another trial over his disgusting lies about Sandy Hook. This one is being tried in Connecticut, which you may recognize as the state where Sandy Hook happened. If you thought his lawyers botched the last one, wait until you hear some clips from this one! Presented brilliantly by Ace Associate Morgan Stringer!

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OA631: Updates on Trump Treason!

Listen as local attorney P. Andrew Torrez attempts to beat the Guinness World Record for most bullet points covered in an OA episode! From candid golf shots, to mystery DC tarmac photos, to subpoenas and sh*t rulings by a sh*t judge, this week brings 8 Trump Treason items to update you on! And of course, plenty mini-dives on the way!

Links: NY Attorney General May Sue Trump, Eastman Emails, Mark Meadows complied with DOJ subpoena, Save America PAC FEC disclosure, About – Conservative Partnership Institute, Trump Makes Conveniently Timed Donation To Mark Meadows’s Employer, Reinhart Mar-a-Lago less redacted affidavit, DOJ reply in support of relief

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