OA441: Trump Still Lost

He still lost, folks! It’s over. In our main segment today, we discuss the Electoral College calendar and when things are finally set in stone. But what about faithless electors??? We’ve got an Andrew for that too. This episode should help you feel fine about the fact that Trump still lost.

In the first segment we talk about a few things Andrew nailed his predictions on, including Chad Wolf and Kathryn Kimball Mizelle.

Links: Chad Wolf not lawfully appointed, Chris Krebs, List of federal judges appointed by Donald Trump, OA420: DoJ Defending Trump in Carroll Case?, Aaron Reichlin-Melnick on Twitter: “She is also the wife of Chad Mizelle“, OA379: Trump’s Contempt for the Press & Husch Blackwell, Trump campaign agrees to drop its defamation lawsuit against a tiny Wisconsin TV station, The Electoral College, Election results certification dates, 2020, Arizona Revised Statutes § 16-648 (2019).

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OA440: Rudy’s Literal Meltdown

Rudy Giuliani is as bad at being a lawyer as he is at wearing a believable human suit. Both of these shortcomings were on full display this week as Trump’s top lawyer continued to not only lose case after case, but also display an impressive ability to not have any idea what any legal term actually means. Also in this episode, Andrew tells us about the Kim Davis of this election – GSA Administrator Emily Murphy. Murphy can’t seem to understand which number is bigger than the other. Then ace associate Morgan Stringer joins us to provide a few highlights of Giuliani’s insane ramblings. She listened so that none of us have to!

Links: 3 U.S.C. 102, CFPB Announces Additional Member of Taskforce, The Law of Presidential Transitions and the 2000 Election, Lawsuit tracker: Trump’s battle faces skepticism from judges, Marks v. Stinton.

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OA439: The End of the Lemon Test?

It’s a 97% Trump-free episode! First we have to cover the bullet points Andrew foolishly thought we could get to last week, including questions like: does a 50-50 Senate mean no more Majority Leader McConnell? and what consequences should there be for law firms that take Trump’s money and file frivolous election lawsuits? and more!

Then we get to the main signature deep dive, and it’s not a happy one. ***content note: this episode contains discussion of sexual assault.*** Some Jehovah’s Witnesses church leaders emotionally abused a rape victim, who was a minor, and she very justifiably sued them. But the backwards-ass Mormon judges of Utah conveniently decided churches can do… whatever. While this is likely to be overturned by the Supreme Court, it also might damage Church-State Separation along the way.

Links: Jones Day Statement Regarding Election Litigation, Snell & Wilmer withdraws from election lawsuit, Jehovah’s Witnesses Lawsuit, Court hears case of woman suing Utah Jehova’s Witnesses over rape audio.

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OA438: This Coup Shall Pass

While it cannot be overstated how disgusting, unpatriotic, anti-American, and anti-Democratic this pathetic coup attempt by Trump and Republicans is, it also has no chance of working. At least, according to our resident optimist, Andrew Torrez!

Before that, Andrew gives us the breakdown on the Affordable Care Act case, and why the media might be completely wrong in how they’re covering it.

Links: California v. Texas, best Trump case still terrible, Montgomery County Election Results, 25 P.S. § 3150.16, 25 P.S. § 3150.14, In re Recount of Ballots (Pa. 1974)

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OA437: How To Play Hardball If We Don’t Win the Senate

As always, we can’t emphasize enough how important it is to win the two Georgia runoffs, but today’s show covers why we COULD still win in North Carolina. It involves court thingies. Then in the main segment, Andrew tells us how exactly Biden can play hardball in the event that we don’t win the Senate. There’s still a lot we can do. Biden’s administration had better be show listeners because this is top notch free legal consulting!

Links: 4th Cir. on North Carolina Ballots, Wise v. Circosta, OA415: DeJoy’s Illegal Dismantling of the USPS, NAACP v USPS, 5 US Code § 3345 – Acting officer, 15-1251 NLRB v. SW General, Inc, 5 US Code § 3346 – Time limitation, 5 US Code § 3349a – Presidential inaugural transitions, 5 US Code § 3349c – Exclusion of certain officers, Fed Figures 2014: Federal Workforce, Demographic Profile of the Federal Workforce, As of September 30, 2010, L.M.-M., et al., Plaintiffs, v. KENNETH T. CUCCINELLI II, Legality of Service of Acting Secretary of Homeland Security, OA61: Flyin’ the Friendly Skies

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-For show-related questions, check out the Opening Arguments Wiki, which now has its own Twitter feed!  @oawiki

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OA436: It’s A Runoff!

Biden is all but assured victory, and despite the election not going nearly as well as we’d hoped, there’s still a chance to take the Senate! However, Trump is throwing every terrible legal challenge he’s got at the problem. Andrew breaks down why they’re all incredibly stupid and doomed to fail.

Links: SIO263: Not the Worst Possible Outcome, But Close, Slate – A Large Portion of the Electorate Chose the Sociopath, Georgia Code § 21-2-501, Trump lawsuit Michigan, Trump’s lawsuit Pennsylvania, Trump Lawsuit Georgia, OA25: Could Jill Stein Decide the Presidency? (No.), Wisconsin Statutes § 9.01 (2019) — Recount, Georgia Code § 21-2-495 (2019) – Procedure for recount or recanvass of votes, 2019 Georgia Code: Contested Elections and Primaries.

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-For show-related questions, check out the Opening Arguments Wiki, which now has its own Twitter feed!  @oawiki

-And finally, remember that you can email us at openarguments@gmail.com

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Bonus: Harris County Update, Good News!

This is an emergency mini-episode in which Andrew breaks down all the events surrounding Hotze v. Hollins, which is the case involving Republican efforts to throw out 127,000 early votes in Harris County, Texas – which has nearly five million people and includes almost all of the city of Houston.  It’s (mostly) good news, and we go through all the appellate stuff, too.  Stay an Optimist Prime today!


  1. Hotze v. Hollins order by District Court Judge Hanen.
  2. Plaintiff’s request for emergency relief in the 5th Circuit.
  3. News story re: 7 Pennsylvania counties that won’t count mail-in votes on Election Night

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OA435: Why Your Vote Matters In EVERY State!

That’s right, EVERY state. So if you, or anyone you know, is doing the “eh my vote doesn’t matter because I’m in x state” NO. STOP. Listen to this episode and share it with that person who needs it! It really matters!

Links: Congressional Elections in Presidential Years: Presidential Coattails and Strategic Voting, Why Pennsylvania’s Vote Count Could Change After Election Night, How election votes and data for 2020 are collected at NBC news, Head of Fox News Decision Desk: Why results in swing states likely won’t be known on election night, Control Of Redistricting Is Up For Grabs In 2020.

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OA434: Kavanaugh’s Crooked Concurrence

Kavanaugh, in a disgrace of an opinion, just signaled that he and enough of his fellow hack justices are willing and able to hand a disputed election to Trump. Andrew has the full breakdown, and what we can do to stop it. But that last part is very obvious: vote vote vote vote vote vote vote vote.

IT IS NOW TOO LATE TO MAIL IN YOUR BALLOT. So in the first segment, we go over every which way you still are able to vote even if you’ve got a mail-in ballot you have yet to drop in the mailbox.

Links: Even Fox News says results won’t be know on election night, I Will Vote.com, Slate – Naked ballots, signature mismatch, and other pitfalls to avoid when voting by mail, NYT How Long Will Vote Counting Take? Estimates and Deadlines in All 50 States, Wisconsin §6.86(6), OA425: ‘The Election That Could Break America’ ???, Trump’s Upcoming Refusal to Leave Office: The Very Bad News, Preparing for a Disputed Presidential Election, Supreme Court 2020 Opinions not up currently for some reason, How to Accommodate a Massive Surge in Absentee Voting, Lawfare blog Reducing One Source of a Potential Election Meltdown, North Carolina Injunctive Relief Denied.

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-For show-related questions, check out the Opening Arguments Wiki, which now has its own Twitter feed!  @oawiki

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OA433: Google Antitrust and Purdue Pharma Plea

It’s a Tr*** free day here at OA! Not even one mention of that entity. It’s all about some major stories in the law. Google has been sued by the DoJ and a number of individual states for unlawfully maintaining monopolies for search services. And Purdue Pharma has reached a plea agreement involving billions of dollars. One of these is good and the other… isn’t… Listen to the Andrew Torrez Mr. Fantastic Signature Breakdown to found out!

Links: Google Complaint, 15 US Code § 2 – Monopolizing trade a felony, Purdue Pharma plea deal

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